Creating healthier schools

Built on science and ground-tested across more than two billion square feet, the WELL Health-Safety Rating can help school leaders reopen with confidence.

Get back to school – with confidence

The WELL Health-Safety Rating addresses a range of acute health threats through facility operations and management strategies to help school leaders meet immediate COVID-19 needs and prioritize the longterm health and safety of students, staff and visitors.
Teaching a culture of health

Peace of mind for school leaders

  • Efficient

    Available quickly with little to no capital outlay.

  • Trusted

    Solutions are evidence-based and third-party verified.

  • Scalable

    Coverage for one small school—or a large district.

Look for the se
A rating to meet the moment

How it started

Launched in July 2020, the WELL Health-Safety Rating was developed with input from nearly 600 experts across public health, medicine, design, real estate, government and academia. Its applicability and urgent need within schools has been quickly recognized, with school and district leaders from around the world leveraging the program.

A trusted and tested framework for health & safety

  • Filtered & breathable air

    Robust air quality monitoring protocols help ensure that proper airflow and ventilation are in place to fight airborne illnesses like the common cold, influenza and COVID-19.

  • Purified & drinkable water

    Frequent monitoring and testing of water quality helps reduce the potential for bacteria growth, mold and moisture.

  • Reduced surface spread & hand hygiene

    Enhanced cleaning and hand-washing protocols help reduce the spread of disease from respiratory particles and high-touch surfaces.

  • Access to health services & resources

    Support programs for mental health recovery, sick leave and vaccination access indicate to staff that your district is putting their health first.

  • Emergency prevention & preparedness

    Detailed plans and emergency protocols help safeguard students and staff when fronted with the unexpected.

Schools on board

Get started to learn how your school can lead the charge on health and well-being.
WELL, the fact is...

By the time a student graduates high school, they will have spent more than 15,000 hours in a school

Don't just take our word for it

The power of the seal

The WELL Health-Safety seal is an earned stamp of approval that makes it easy for staff, parents and students to quickly identify the quality and authenticity of your health and safety efforts.

Doing their homework

What district leaders are saying

  • The safety and well-being of our students and staff is our top priority. Ensuring that our buildings are optimized to provide a healthy learning and work environment is a critical part of that effort.

    Assistant Superintendent, Facilities and Transportation Services
    Fairfax County Public Schools

  • The health and safety of our students and staff, as well as others who use our school facilities, remain our top priority... the WELL Health-Safety seal is testament that we are sincere in our efforts to go above and beyond to provide the safest environment possible for teaching and learning.

    Upper St Clair School District

  • The safety and well-being of our students and staff is our top priority. Ensuring that our buildings are optimized to provide a healthy learning and work environment is a critical part of that effort.

    Assistant Superintendent, Facilities and Transportation Services
    Fairfax County Public Schools

  • The safety and well-being of our students and staff is our top priority. Ensuring that our buildings are optimized to provide a healthy learning and work environment is a critical part of that effort.

    Assistant Superintendent, Facilities and Transportation Services
    Fairfax County Public Schools

  • The health and safety of our students and staff, as well as others who use our school facilities, remain our top priority... the WELL Health-Safety seal is testament that we are sincere in our efforts to go above and beyond to provide the safest environment possible for teaching and learning.

    Upper St Clair School District

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Sign up to learn more about how your school can leverage the WELL Health-Safety Rating.