Marketing & PR guidelines

Explore tools and resources to help you promote your achievement of the WELL Health-Safety Rating.

Looking to tell your WELL Health-Safety Rating story?

Promote your achievement

Congratulations! You have joined a community of organizations committed to the highest standards of health and safety. From making initial announcements to sharing the news on your website and social media - we've got you covered.
  • Announce your achievement

    Leverage our sample press release to share your WELL Health-Safety Rating achievement with the world.

  • Promote onsite

    From table tents to posters, our team has created promotional materials to help you communicate your health and safety efforts to everyone who walks through your door. To get started, download our WELL Health-Safety Rated collateral toolkit and work with a printing store in your area to create as many copies as you need.

Social media toolkit

Showcase your achievement on social media platforms of your choice using the hashtag #WELLHealthSafety. To get started, check out our social media toolkit, which includes sample posts and graphics.
  • "We can't predict the future, but we can be prepared for it. We’re excited to announce that [Property/Space] has earned the #WELLHealthSafety Rating, an evidence-based, third-party verified rating that signifies the measures we’ve taken to support the health and safety of our [employees/clients/customers].
    Learn more: https://bit.ly/3eOBiOd"

  • "[Company/Organization] is proud that its [Property/Space] has achieved the #WELLHealthSafety Rating, joining global industry leaders committed to implementing evidence-based strategies to put people first.
    Learn more: https://bit.ly/3eOBiOd"

  • "We can't predict the future, but we can be prepared for it. We’re excited to announce that [Property/Space] has earned the #WELLHealthSafety Rating, an evidence-based, third-party verified rating that signifies the measures we’ve taken to support the health and safety of our [employees/clients/customers].
    Learn more: https://bit.ly/3eOBiOd"

  • "We can't predict the future, but we can be prepared for it. We’re excited to announce that [Property/Space] has earned the #WELLHealthSafety Rating, an evidence-based, third-party verified rating that signifies the measures we’ve taken to support the health and safety of our [employees/clients/customers].
    Learn more: https://bit.ly/3eOBiOd"

  • "[Company/Organization] is proud that its [Property/Space] has achieved the #WELLHealthSafety Rating, joining global industry leaders committed to implementing evidence-based strategies to put people first.
    Learn more: https://bit.ly/3eOBiOd"

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Look for the seal

Brand guidelines and seal usage requirements

The WELL Health-Safety Rating™ seal consists of arcs assembled around the text “WELL Health-Safety Rated'' along with the year that the designation was achieved. The arcs are reminiscent of those within the WELL Certification seal, and reflect the fact that the WELL Health-Safety Rating criteria is made up of a subset of relevant features from the WELL Building Standard adapted for facility operations and management.

The WELL Health-Safety Rating seal may only be used by projects that have achieved the rating for the year or year(s) indicated. Achievement of the rating is finalized when the project team confirms the WELL Health-Safety Rating report is final. The rating is valid for one year. To remain an active WELL Health-Safety Rated project and to be eligible to receive seals of achievement each year, the enrollment must be renewed annually and all rating requirements must continue to be met.

Enrolled projects that have not yet completed the WELL Health-Safety Rating process or those that mark themselves as private within the WELL digital platform are not permitted to use the seal in any capacity.

Projects that have successfully achieved the designation will receive a WELL Health-Safety Rating digital mark , as well as the opportunity to purchase or receive complimentary printed seals for onsite display directly from IWBI.

For additional guidance on the use of the WELL Health-Safety Rating mark on websites, digital assets and hard copy collateral, as well as information about colors, please view the IWBI Brand and Style Guidelines (pp. 16-17).

In person

Printed seal guidelines for onsite display

The following guidelines pertain to physical, printed seals displayed on the interior or exterior of a WELL Health-Safety Rated space.

  • All printed seals must be ordered directly through IWBI. To maintain seal integrity, WELL Health-Safety Rated projects may only use the seals as provided by IWBI pursuant to IWBI instructions. Printing seals, creating stickers not provided by IWBI or any other use not explicitly permitted by IWBI in writing are are not permitted and constitute both a violation of the WELL Health-Safety Agreement and intellectual property infringement.
  • The WELL Health-Safety seal displayed on site must indicate the year(s) of their achievement. If a project achieves the WELL Health-Safety Rating for multiple years, they may choose to display the most recent achievement or the original achievement alongside the most recent achievement.
  • The printed seal should be displayed prominently at the entrance of the building (e.g., front windows or doors). The seal should face outward and be placed between 4 and 6 feet above the ground, so that anyone who enters your space can see that your location is WELL Health-Safety Rated. Keep the flow of traffic in mind when placing your seal.

Going digital

Digital mark guidelines for marketing purposes

The following guidelines pertain to the use of the WELL Health-Safety Rating digital mark in marketing materials, website visuals and digital and hard copy collateral only.

  • The digital mark should only be used in digital or printed marketing materials. WELL Health-Safety Rated projects are not permitted to leverage the digital mark to print their owner stickers for display on the interior or exterior of a space.
  • WELL Health-Safety Rated projects should only use the seal or seals that correspond with the year(s) of their achievement. If a project achieves the WELL Health-Safety Rating for multiple years, they may choose to use each graphic seal they earn in their marketing materials, or simply the most recent.
  • Enrolled projects that have not yet completed the WELL Health-Safety Rating process or those that mark themselves as private within the WELL digital platform are not permitted to use the seal in any capacity.
  • WELL Health-Safety Rating seals are awarded to specific buildings/spaces, not to entire companies, at a portfolio level or for multiple buildings. Project teams should only use the WELL Health-Safety Rating seal in marketing materials to represent the specific project(s) that has achieved it, and may not imply in graphics or words that the mark applies to an entire company or portfolio.
  • Seal integrity: The WELL Health-Safety Rating seals should always be used as-is, with appropriate sizing (see below for guidance), with no modification (stretching, separation, modifying any colors) to the mark’s elements.
  • Seal colors: The marks associated with the WELL Health-Safety Rating seals should be used in only the colors displayed. Seals are offered in blue (#79a5c6) and transparent white.
  • Seal sizing: To maintain legibility, the WELL Health-Safety Rating seals should never be used at a width of less than 200px. The seals should always be scaled to equal proportions to ensure no stretching occurs.
  • Clear space: The clear space should never be less than 50px. Clear space standards are provided in order to ensure that the WELL Health-Safety Rating seals are clearly distinguishable in all applications.

Via text

Communications & PR guidelines

The following guidelines pertain to the use of the WELL Health-Safety Rating digital mark in marketing materials, website visuals and digital and hard copy collateral only.

  • All public statements about the achievement of the WELL Health-Safety Rating must be accurate and not misleading.
  • If the rating expires and is not renewed, then other than accurate, factual statements about historical achievement of the WELL Health-Safety Rating, no other public statements may be made that are misleading or that suggest or imply that the building, facility or space continues to meet the requirements of the WELL Health-Safety Rating.
  • Do say
    • [Company name] has achieved the WELL Health-Safety seal for [number of locations] locations
    • [Company name] is WELL Health-Safety Rated
  • Don't say
    • [Company name] is WELL Certified, registered, qualified, compliant, reviewed, verified, designed, certifiable, etc.
    • [Company name] is registered to pursue the WELL Health-Safety Rating
    • [Company name] is certified for the WELL Health-Safety Rating or is WELL Health-Safety certified
    • [Company name] is pursuing WELL Portfolio, its portfolio is WELL Health-Safety Rated, etc.
    • Project is WELL-ready or WELL-enabled, or any other term incorporating the WELL trademark that is not authorized by IWBI.

Send us your photos and testimonials

We’re always on the lookout for innovative organizations, properties and spaces to highlight on our social channels and to share with our community. Send us a message at marketing@wellcertified.com about your WELL Health-Safety experience or photos for IWBI to consider for use in promotional materials (content submissions will be reviewed and selected for use at IWBI’s discretion).

Lead with transparency

A visible indication of confidence and trust, the WELL Health-Safety seal tells everyone entering your space that evidence-based measures have been adopted and third-party verified. With a QR code front and center, visitors can gain insight into how your facility supports the health and safety of staff, customers and the community.

How to reference WELL

About IWBI
The International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) is leading the global movement to transform our buildings, communities and organizations in ways that help people thrive. IWBI delivers the cutting-edge WELL Building Standard (WELL), the world’s leading health-focused building standard. IWBI mobilizes the wellness community through management of the WELL AP credential, the pursuit of applicable research, the development of educational resources, and advocacy for policies that promote health and wellness everywhere. IWBI is a participant of the United Nations Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate citizenship initiative, and helps companies advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the use of WELL.

  • The official organization name is the International WELL Building Institute pbc. “IWBI” is the official acronym. Use the complete name on any first reference. Subsequent references in copy may use IWBI.

  • Consult the IWBI Brand and Style Guidelines for logo and mark usage.

  • NOTE: When using “IWBI” as a noun, do not precede with “the.” For example: Contact IWBI for more information.

Relationship between the WELL Health-Safety Rating and other WELL projects and programs

Owners or operators can pursue the WELL Health-Safety Rating for projects independently, seamlessly using the rating as a stepping stone to achieve WELL Certification or integrating the rating as a milestone within their WELL Certification or WELL Portfolio journey.

The WELL Health-Safety Rating is different and distinct from the WELL Certification program. While projects that are pursuing WELL Certification can earn the WELL Health-Safety Rating as part of their certification journey, organizations enrolled to pursue the WELL Health-Safety Rating may not designate their buildings or spaces as WELL-registered or WELL Certified. WELL-registered projects have been registered with the intent of earning WELL Certification under the WELL Building Standard once the project is complete. A project that is registered can only be referred to as WELL-registered, and is not authorized to use the WELL Certified seals and/or logo. Registered projects may promote themselves in text (press releases, social posts, marketing brochures, etc.) using these PR guidelines, and will be eligible to use the WELL Certification mark once they achieve WELL Certification.

The WELL Health-Safety Rating is different and distinct from the WELL Portfolio program. While owners that wish to pursue the WELL Health-Safety Rating for multiple projects concurrently may do so through the multiple projects’ pathway, they may not designate their buildings or spaces as participating in the WELL Portfolio program.

If your project is WELL-registered, WELL Certified or subscribed to the WELL Portfolio program, please see additional guidance here.

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